Saturday 2 February 2013

Date and Time Functions

There are several functions that deal with time and date.  In order to perform these functions header file <ctime> is included into the program. The header file defines time related types such as clock_t, time_t and structure tm. The clock_t and time_t represent system time and date in the form of integer. The structure tm has data and time broken into elements. Some of the functions are:-

  • asctime() - The function asctime() returns the pointer to the string containing the date and time in readable format.

  • clock() - The function clock() returns the no of ticks since the calling program has been running. In order to convert no of ticks into seconds divide it by macroCLOCKS_PER_SEC which is defines in the header file <ctime>.

  • ctime() - The function ctime() converts the value of time_t to string.

  • difftime()-The function difftime() returns the difference in seconds between two times. It takes two arguments.

  • gmtime() - The function gmtime() returns a pointer to the broken down form of the time which is in UTC(Coordinated Universal Time) format. It converts time_t to tm structure as UTC time. If the system does not support UTC a null value is returned.

  • localtime()- The function localtime() returns a pointer to the broken down form of time_t into the form of tm structure as local time.

  • mktime() - The function mktime() converts tm structure to time_t.

  • time() - The function time() returns the current time. The function can be called using a NULL pointer or pointer to a variable of type time_t.

Here is a program which illustrates the working of time and date functions.

using namespace std;

int main()
            time_t time1;
            time_t start1,end1,start2;
            struct tm * currenttime;
            float a=(clock());
            cout << "The no of hours since January 1 2006 : " << (time1/3600) << endl;
            cout << "The current time : " << ctime(&time1) << endl;
            cout << "The date and time : " << asctime(currenttime) << endl;
            cout << "The no of ticks since the program has been called : " << (clock()) << endl;
            cout << "The time lapse between two times : " << difftime(end1,start2) << endl;

The result of the program is:-

program output

The statement


includes a header file <ctime>  into the program. The statements

            time_t time1;
            time_t start1,end1,start2;

declares variables time1,start1,end1 and start2 of type time_2. The statement

            struct tm * currenttime;

declares a pointer to the variable currentime of type tm structure. The statement


returns the current time of the system. The statement


returns the localtime of the start1 into the form of tm structure. The statement


returns the current time of the system. The statement

            cout << "The no of hours since January 1 2006 : " << (time1/3600) << endl;

displays the no of hours since January 1. The time1 is divided no of seconds in an hour. The statement

            cout << "The current time : " << ctime(&time1) << endl;

displays the string format of the current time. The statement

            cout << "The date and time : " << asctime(currenttime) << endl;

displays the current time and date in readable format. The statement

            cout << "The no of ticks since the program has been called : " << (clock()) << endl;

prints the no of ticks since the program has been called. The statement

            cout << "The time lapse between two times : " << difftime(end1,start2) << endl;

prints the time difference between end1 and start2.

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